Sunday, December 30, 2007

YOUR GRIP--How to find your best grip pressure

There is probably more information on the grip than any other single issue in the golf swing. Although many different grip types can be effective, one issue that affects consistency and control more than any other is grip pressure. Not just too tight/too loose grip pressure, but changes in grip pressure during the swing. I see many people who will white knuckle the grip at address and then let go of the club at the top of their backswing and re-grip the club on the downswing. Consequences of this action include club twisting, blistering hands, ball striking inconsistencies and a general feeling of a lack of control over the club.

There are 2 ways to remedy these grip pressure problems.

1) FINDING THE CORRECT GRIP PRESSURE: This is easier than you think, but it does require going to the driving range and experimenting. The question you should ask is how tight is just right? But how do you know how tight is too tight and how loose is too loose? This is where you need to experiment. Get a bucket or 2 of balls and get loosened up. Now take 5 balls and hit them with the tightest grip pressure you can muster (100%). Now do the same using the lightest pressure that you can still control the club with (15%). Now work your way toward the middle....go to 70%, 30% and finish with 50%. While you are doing this activity use a club you are comfortable hitting and don't try anything else. Just hit balls and focus on the pressure exerted by your hands. Now notice your contact with the ball, control of the club and your shots; the more ideal pressure will result in better shots and swing comfort. Go back if you have to and do it you do this you will start to see patterns developing. I have done this with students many times and it is amazing how different a golfer's shots and comfort level can be once the "correct" grip pressure is found. Beleive it or not some people do better with really tight pressure or really loose pressure (not the pressure recommended by instructional books). Why? Everyone's physiology is different. Once you find your ideal pressure, your level of effort and your contact improves immediately. When your grip pressure is not ideal the result is inconsistent control, erradic contact and the swing feels like "work". Make a mental note of your best pressure and make an effort reinforce the pressure with practice. Reinforce the pressure on the course by incorporating this awareness exercise in your pre-shot routine. When you address the ball take your grip and squeeze as tightly as possible....then back off the pressure until you reach your ideal, then take your swing.

2) REMOVING THE TENDENCY TO LET GO OF THE CLUB DURING THE SWING: Many more golfers do this than people think....not just beginners, but I have seen it with golfers who have played for many years. The most typical problem is when the golfer lets go with the "pinkie" finger of the top hand (left hand on the right handed golfer) on the club at the top of the backswing. Then when the swing is finished and golfer brings the club back to center the head is twisted. A great way to check and fix this problem is to put a golf tee just under the "pinkie" finger (or where ever you are letting go of the club, put the tee under that part of the hand). Your goal is to keep the tee under your finger(s) throughout the swing without over-squeezing in the process. If the tee drops out, then you let the finger loose. I have had people practice with a tee under the hand, and I have even had them play with the tee under the hand until they no longer have problem letting go of the club.

REMEMBER: For anything to become properly incorporated into the swing, you must have anextended committment over time for it to become habit. Some call this the 'rule of 21'.21 sessions (whether practice for 10 minutes or more or play a round of golf, each is considered 1 session) focused onthe activity to incorporate into the swing.

The 2 aforementioned drills should be done at least twice (once at the beginning of the season and once well into the season) a year just to check to insure that you have full control of the club with proper pressure.

1 comment:

HorseBettor said...

Great article Gary ... keep them coming. See you at the PGA Show in Orlando on the 16th.